Thursday, April 7, 2011

Could You Live in 90 Square Feet?

My friend Bridget sent me this article about a woman living in a 90-square-foot apartment in New York City.

Could you do it? I think she still has more than I would have! Ha ha! I've lived in 360 square feet (12' x 30'), but living in one-fourth of that would be a challenge.

Although I often don't read comments at the bottom of online articles, many of the commentators are less than supportive of this woman's lifestyle. They compare their cheaper, larger apartments in other parts of the country to hers. Come on! NYC is NYC. City living is spending good chunks of your time living publicly, in coffee shops, book stores, libraries, restaurants, bars, art galleries, theatres, gyms, parks, etc. You give up your living space, and the city gives you its food and culture. If your big screen TV and your whirlpool tub are your priorities, then you can't do it. It's a different lifestyle, but it can be very enjoyable!

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